Recommended reflection format

Post blog entries to present reflections and artifacts associated with internship activities as you complete the activities. For each standard, you are asked to presents blog entries for each of the following:

– Each required activity
– One to three additional, significant activities for each standard

Each blog entry representing an activity must include a reflection written in the required format (describe, reflect, connect) along with one to three artifacts that represent evidence of the candidate’s leadership. An artifact can be a file, scanned document, presentation, etc., that is linked or attached to the blog entry.


  1. First, describe the experience in brief. Remember, you are documenting your internship activities for your site supervisor and university supervisor, so it is helpful to think about what s/he needs to know to understand your activity.
  2. Second, reflect. How did the activity go as compared to your expectations, and why do you think that happened? What did you learn about school leadership and what did you learn about yourself as a leader?
  3. Finally, connect. What leadership proficiencies did you demonstrate or practice by engaging in this activity. Here, we suggest you specifically connect your learning to the ELCC standards – name the standard element or elements that you believe were involved. Then connect your learning to your future as a school leader – what lessons or new ways of thinking or doing might you integrate into your leadership into the future? What more do you feel you need to learn? What questions do you still have, and how might you go about seeking answers to these questions?

These ongoing reflections will provide your university supervisor with an opportunity to keep up with your progress, and taken together, they form a record of your accomplishments that you will be able to use to construct your final portfolio.

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